Find recent scholarship pertaining to Rousseau from RA members here.
RA contributors collaborated on this work.

Check out this volume following related RA at ASECS panels.

Below is the edited collection inspired by an RA Colloquium.

RA Biennial Colloquium
The 24th RA Colloquium on “Editing, Translating, Annotating Rousseau/Rousseau as Editor, Translator, Annotator” “Éditer, traduire, annoter Rousseau/Rousseau éditeur, traducteur, annotateur” under the direction of James Swenson will take place at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey from June 4-6, 2025. See the Call for Proposals for details on how to submit an abstract with a due date of December 20, 2024. See here for details on past RA colloquia.
The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) 2025 Annual Meeting will take place online from March 28-29 and April 4-5, 2025. See here for a description of the 2025 RA at ASECS session on “Rousseau and the Imagination,” as well as for details on previous panels.
RA Virtual Conversation Series
The Virtual Conversation Series is an online discussion of recent Rousseau scholarship that occurs several times over the course of the year. On Friday, February 28, 2025, at 1:00 pm EST, Antonia Alksnis will speak on “Is Amour-Propre Egalitarian?” with Adam Schoene as respondent. If you are a member of the Rousseau Association, check your inbox for details on the event, and if you are interested in presenting at or moderating a conversation, please contact any member of the RA Executive Committee.
RA on Social Media
We encourage you to join the global Rousseau Association network and to contribute to our discussions online via Email, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Join the RA and Annual Renewal
It’s easy (and inexpensive) to join the Rousseau Association or to renew your annual membership!
Annual dues are only $40 for senior faculty, $20.00 for other faculty and non-faculty membership, and student and retired member annual dues are $10.00.
If you are already a member and have not yet paid your annual dues this year, please do so at this time, along with any past dues you may still owe.
Thank you for supporting our activities! We appreciate the vital role you play in our community from around the world interested in Rousseau and his legacies.

The Rousseau Association is a bilingual society devoted to the study of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Our membership is multinational and interdisciplinary. We count among our numbers specialists from around the world in history, languages, literature, philosophy, political science, and other fields. We welcome members from all disciplines. Members receive an annual newsletter and are eligible to participate in Rousseau Association colloquia, virtual conversations, as well as in panels that it sponsors at other professional meetings (such as those of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies). Rousseau scholarship by members is shared on this site.
The Association sponsors a colloquium every two years at locations across the United States and beyond. The meeting is usually devoted to a specific text or question, and all papers are given in plenary sessions.

Please contact us here with comments, updates, or suggestions.